Privacy Policy

Data Protection Declaration

For us, the Deutsche Stiftung Glücksspielforschung gemeinnützige GmbH (hereinafter “Deutsche Stiftung Glücksspielforschung” or “we”), transparency in the handling of your personal data is very important. In this data protection declaration, we therefore inform you about the processing of your personal data on our website as well as in connection with the implementation of the German Innovation Award for Gambling Research and the Young Research Award and about your rights.

A. Information about the processing of your personal data

I. Responsible and Data Protection Officer

The legal person responsible for data processing within the meaning of this data protection declaration is:

German Foundation for Gambling Research gGmbH
Ludwigstraße 8
80539 Munich

You can reach us by e-mail at:

II. Data processing for the purpose of providing the website

What personal data is processed for what purpose?

Every time you access the content of our website, data is temporarily stored that can enable your person to be identified. In particular, the following data is collected:

Date and time of access; IP address; Host name of the accessing computer; Website from which the website was accessed; Websites accessed via the website; Page visited on our website; Message whether the retrieval was successful; Amount of data transferred; Information about the type of browser used and the version used; Operating system.

The temporary storage of the data is necessary to enable the provision of the website.

On what legal basis is this data processed?

The processing of the data takes place on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Our legitimate interest in data processing is based on the above-mentioned purposes as well as on our legitimate interest in informing the public on our website about our work.

Are there other recipients of the personal data in addition to the person responsible for data processing?

The website is hosted by Internetagentur Kreativdenker GmbH.

The Internet agency Kreativdenker GmbH receives and processes the above-mentioned data as our processor and processes the data exclusively on servers within Germany.

How long will the data be stored?

No log files are currently stored.

III. Data processing for the purpose of the German Innovation Award for Gambling Research and the German Research Award for Gambling Research

What personal data is processed for what purpose?

In order to carry out the research competition “German Innovation Award for Gambling Research” and the “Young Research Award”, we process personal data of the participants. In particular, the following data is collected:

Your name; your e-mail address; your academic background; your professional experience; your personal research contribution; the name of the submitting research institution; the name of the contact person of the submitting research institution; name of the authors of the letter of recommendation; All other personal data (in particular CV, publication list and other relevant indicators for proof of expertise) that you provide in your submission; period in which you are scientifically active after receiving your degree (only for the German Junior Gaming Research Award).

If you win a research prize for a specific year, your name and information about your research will be published on our website.

On what legal basis is this data processed?

The processing of the data is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR. The processing including the publication of your name and information about your research (if you should win a research prize) is necessary for the fulfillment of the contract (i.e. participation in the research competition) between the participant and us.

Are there other recipients of the personal data in addition to the person responsible for data processing?

Your submission (and all personal data contained therein) will be passed on to the following recipients:

  • The jury,
  • Other scientists who are involved in the peer review procedure or who are involved in the tie-braker procedure as external auditors.

How long will the data be stored?

The data of all participants will be stored for the respective year up to 3 years after the announcement of the prize winner.

A list of the winners (name and research) will be published and available on our website as long as the German Innovation Award for Gambling Research or the German Research Award for Gambling Research are awarded.

B. Your rights

I. Right to information and access

You can request information in accordance with Art. 15 GDPR about your personal data that we process.

II. Right to object

You have the right, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you on the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The controller will then no longer process the personal data unless he can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or if the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims. The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of log files are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website.

III. Right to rectification

If the data concerning you is not (or no longer) correct, you can request a correction in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR. If your data is incomplete, you can request that it be completed.

IV. Right to deletion

You can request the deletion of your personal data in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR.

V. Right to restriction of processing

According to Art. 18 GDPR, you have the right to request a restriction of the processing of your personal data.

VI. Right to complain

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates data protection law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority of your choice in accordance with Art. 77 (1) GDPR.

VII. Right to data portability

If the requirements of Art. 20 para. 1 GDPR are met, you have the right to request a transfer of the data, which we process automatically on the basis of your consent or in fulfillment of a contract, to you or to third parties. The collection of data for the provision of the website and the storage of log files are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website. The processing is therefore not based on consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR or on a contract in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR, but is justified in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The requirements of Article 20 (1) GDPR are therefore not met.

D. Status of the data protection declaration

The privacy policy is as of 23.04.2024 and is permanently available at
