For Excellence in Gambling Research
The aim of the German Foundation on Gambling Research and the research prizes awarded by it is to promote innovative research that contributes to a better understanding and prevention of gambling addiction as well as to the improvement of consumer well-being in order to achieve the goals according to § 1 of the State Treaty on Gambling in its currently valid form.
About the Foundation
Deutsche Stiftung Glücksspielforschung gGmbHThe Deutsche Stiftung Glücksspielforschung gGmbH was founded in March 2024 by the equal shareholders Thüringer Staatslotterie AöR, Tipico Technology Holding GmbH, François-Blanc-Spielbank GmbH Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe and Dr. Daniel Henzgen.
It is the goal of the initiators to promote science by awarding independent research prizes, which deals with the improvement of measures for the prevention of gambling addiction and consumer protection to achieve the goals of the German State Treaty on Gambling of the states in its valid form. Only work that explicitly analyzes the customer experience and/or customer acceptance (with) should be included. After all, the results obtained are available to politics and administration as an extension of their knowledge base to improve and further develop the existing gambling regulation.
Research Awards
OverviewAnnually, up to three German Innovation Awards on Gambling Research with a prize money of EUR 200,000 each (600.000 € total) will be issued.
The cash prizes will be split with 70% awarded to the nominating institution and 30% to the authoring researchers. The recipient institution may allocate sub-awards at their discretion. The researcher prize will be allocated across study authors according to the statement of contribution proposed on the application.
Additionally, one Young Talent Research Award of EUR 30.000 € for student researchers and researchers within 10 years of a terminal degree (e.g., PhD, Master) will be issued annually. The Young Researcher Award will be allocated to a single individual.
Innovative research within the meaning of this mission is (all characteristics must be met):
- A theoretical, empirical or methodological scientific work written in English;
- A single study or closely related study group[1] that has been accepted for publication in one or more expertly reviewed academic institutions in the last 5 years before the application period;
- A scientific work with a novel contribution to the investigation of gambling and/or gambling disorders.
- The application must indicate how research could contribute to the public interest in gambling and provide meaningful insights into the effects of at least one regulatory requirement on consumer protection at all levels (past, present, future) of gambling participation (e.g. B. Addiction prevention, behavioral advice, customer communication, etc.) within the meaning of § 1 GlüStV 2021.
The work must be carried out in conjunction with an academic research institution based in Germany, Switzerland or Austria and nominated by it[2].
[1] In the case of several submitted works, the price-determining work must have been accepted for publication within the last 5 years before the application deadline.
[2] Teams to which researchers from other institutions belong are admitted, but must provide evidence to ensure that affiliated researchers at scientific institutions in Germany, Switzerland or Austria have made significant contributions to the study.
We will carry out our mission in an open and transparent manner.
Our academic decisions are independent of any organization’s influence.
Thought Leadership
We value independent thinking from all disciplines that can advance our mission.
We value research that will have the maximum impact on our mission, today or in the future.
Scientific Advisory Board
Jury of the Research AwardsThe most important organ of the Deutsche Stiftung Glücksspielforschung gGmbH is the Scientific Advisory Board. He advises the management of the foundation on the fulfillment of the statutory purposes and is consulted in all decisions that go beyond ordinary business activities.
However, the main task of the advisory board is the implementation of the application process for the advertised research prizes, in particular the review process and the selection of the award winners in the sense of a jury of experts.
The Scientific Advisory Board will be convened by the Foundation Assembly on the 23rd. February 2024 for four (4) years and has been independent of instructions since that time.
The Scientific Advisory Board does not receive any remuneration for its work. His expenses will be reimbursed.
The members of the advisory board are among the world’s leading scientists in their field. They are also characterized by:
Academic excellence: The members have a strong academic background and have a doctorate or equivalent qualification in a relevant area. They are known for their own scientific contributions, which are evidenced by their research publications and other scientific activities.
Professional experience: The members have extensive experience in their respective research fields. This should ideally include years of research, teaching or policy development in their field.
Interdisciplinary understanding: In view of the multifaceted nature of gambling research, which includes psychology, sociology, economics, public health and other areas, the jury members represent different scientific disciplines.
International recognition: The members are recognized beyond their own country. This can be indicated through international cooperations, positions in international organizations, awards from international committees or participation in the editorial committees of international journals.
Ethical reputation: The jury members can show an impeccable ethical record. This includes compliance with standards for scientific integrity, maintaining confidentiality in the review process and avoiding conflicts of interest.

Dr Brett Abarbanel

Dr Bo Bernhard
Vice President of University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Philip G. Satre Chair of University of Nevada, Reno

Dr Luke Clark

Dr Frederike Petzschner

Dr Kahlil Philander
Washington State University, Seattle

Dr Tone Roald
University of Copenhagen

Knut Walter
Frequently Asked Questions
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